Thursday, November 17, 2011


My sister has been bugging me for a couple of years now to start a couple of blogs.*
*and yes, her punishment will be a few guest posts.

So I have.

Started a couple that is. But never finished.  I suffer from a bit of procrastination.  I'll deal with that later.

That being said, I craft...a lot. Which of course means I steal ideas from other people's blogs, and I guess it's only fair that I start one for other people to steal ideas from.

A quick bit about me and this blog...aside from what's over there <---.

I am from a small town. In fact, imagine the smallest town you can think of and divide it by 100. That's where I grew up.  I would say that it is the shelteredness (is that a word?) of that town that got me into fashion and sewing.  I was the only kid in my 6th grade class who owned snake skin print pants...and wore them boldly in public.  If it was mainstream, I didn't wear it.  Call it a quiet rebellion.

But in Small Town USA, it is difficult to shop for clothes outside the norm, so I had to learn to sew.

And such is the birth of hailey elise designs (one of the tabs that will be coming soon).  It started as handbags made from repurposed clothes, but I've been really into making clothes as of late, so it's sort of morphing.*
*trust me, I know it's not a real line, but I did sell a couple of bags, and needed a out Michael Kors.

Also, I am really, really frugal.  For this, my sister teases me mercilessly. I can't help it...with the procrastination--to be dealt with later.  The good news is, I craft on a budget.  Or find things that I want and think "pssh I could make that" (often, it turns out, I actually cannot). Oh well.  But the stuff that does work will be in my Tutorials tab.

As for the rest of my life, it is either spent on the back of a horse (I have 2, spoiled rotten, that I train and compete on)...or reprimanding, unintentionally crafting with (he likes to "help"), or attempting to remove my arm from the death clamp of my cat, Thor.  He has a hand in all of this as well.  So blame him for all problems, because, well, he really doesn't care.  Trust me.

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